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Minutes June 20, 2020

Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County

President Lynda Begnaud called the meeting to order at 4 PM. This meeting is being held via Zoom due to attendance restrictions of COVID-19. All pledged the flag.

Lynda reported that we have two new members: Welcome Nancy Post and Jake Hibbard-Vineyard.

Our speaker was Stephen Daniel, candidate for a seat in Congress in the House of Representatives. He spoke before the TDW business items were addressed.

The Minutes of the May meeting were read by Tommy Cannaday, Secretary.

Helen Brock, Treasurer, read the Financial Report.

Old Business:

Several protests were held in Ellis County advocating removal of the Confederate Statue on the courthouse lawn.

Other Black Lives Matter protests against police violence were held.

A Juneteenth celebration is planned with voter registration being held at the African American Hall of Fame in Waxahachie.

Two members attended the on-line Leadership conference. Lynda said more information would be forthcoming on-line. Emma Wilson Agreed to assist.

The State Democratic Convention will be held on Zoom this year.

Republican and Democratic Joint Primary Runoff Election will be held on Tuesday, July 14, 2020. Early voting is June 29 – July 2 and July 6 – 10. Everyone was encouraged to vote.

New Business:

Vivian Gibson reported on the next Scholarship Fund and encouraged donations for the next award. The award will go to a student from Waxahachie High School.

Lynda appealed for cash contributions for the North Ellis County Outreach as the need is great at this time for assistance.

Barbara Fudge reported on contributions to Democratic candidates from TDW of Ellis County:

$500 Stephen Daniel

$300 Robert Vick

$1,000 Curtis Polk, Jr.

$500 Greg Alvord

Ellis County Chair Kelly Blackburn reported on county activities. She has been busy coordinating with the protests for removing the Confederate statue and police reforms. Further, members are encouraged to attend the Commissioners’ Court meeting when the statue status will be addressed. She said attendance at the rallies has been good. She will try to arrange a zoom meeting by Royce West. She also asked that everyone vote in the Runoff Election.

There was a general discussion about conditions facing the nation at present.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:53 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Tommy Cannaday
