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Minutes August 15, 2020

Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County President Lynda Begnaud called the meeting to order at 4pm. This meeting is being held via Zoom due to attendance restrictions of COVID-19. All pledged the flag.

Our guest speaker was Liz Espie, County Extension Agent for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. She spoke on proper diets during the pandemic.

The Minutes of the TDW July meeting were read by Secretary Tommy Cannaday. Helen Brock, Treasurer, read the Treasurer’s report.

Old Business: We are continuing to support the North Ellis County Outreach. Please send your checks to Lynda. Your donation will be used to provide food for those who are hungry.

Lynda reported on the mail out effort by TDW members to register voters. We will be able to judge how effective our efforts were after the election.

New Business: The National Democratic Convention begins August 17th. The proceedings will be virtual of course.

Nancy Cannaday reported on the Women’s Caucus and the Rural Caucus being held during convention next week. She said Joann Jenkins said Dallas County is desperate for poll workers. She asked TDW members in Ellis County to contact any friends in Dallas County and urge them to volunteer to serve.

Lynda reminded everyone to observe the 100th Anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote. Lucinda Windsor spoke on the Women’s Suffrage Movement at the Senate 22 district’s celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Women’s Right to Vote via Zoom on August 18.

Helen Brock reported on the Census work. She is working as a census taker and she said more workers are needed if anyone was interested.

Lynda said the first Presidential Debate will be held on September 29th. The Vice-Presidential Debate will be October 7th.
Lynda reminded everyone that there will be a drive-by baby shower for Hope Clinic on September 5th from 10am till noon. No one will have to get out of the car as she and Jerome will come to the cars to receive the gifts.

Lucinda Windsor is to organize high school voter registration via zoom. Jennifer Venable will do the training.

Lynda asked members to email the commissioners about removing the Confederate monument at the Courthouse.
The meeting adjourned at 4:58pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas Cannaday