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Minutes October 17, 2020
Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County
President Lynda Begnaud called the meeting to order at 4pm. This meeting is being held via Zoom due to attendance restrictions of COVID-19. All pledged the flag.
First order of business was the reading of the September meeting minutes by Secretary Tommy Cannaday. Treasurer Helen Brock read the financial report. Each item was approved.
We are still supporting North Ellis County Outreach.  Checks can be sent to Lynda who will send a TDW check for the combined amount to NECO.
Lynda thanked Haley Kayzen, Terri Crouch, Emma Wilson and Tina Williams for helping with the social media accounts.
Lynda called for committee reports.
Vivian Gibson reported on the Scholarship Committee. They are to meet soon, and the scholarship will go to Waxahachie High School this year. This needs to be mentioned in the newsletter.
 Lynda stated TDW of Ellis County now has 50 members. She asked for approval to mail out membership applications to all members with envelopes enclosed. Some postage stamps are left over from the Voter Registration mail out. Thomas Cannaday moved that the chair should be allowed to use the leftover stamps and purchase more if necessary, for this purpose. Verlie McBroom seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Lynda reported on the suggestions that the meeting time be changed. Nineteen members responded favorably. One responded opposed to the change. This discussion will be tabled and will be decided when the new officers are installed in January 2021.
The RideShare to Vote needs drivers.
The Reservation at Waxahachie High School is taking food orders to go.
The final Presidential debate will be October 22nd at 8pm.
Nancy Cannaday presented the slate of officers for 2021 received from the Nominating Committee. The election will be held at the next meeting and nominations also may then be made from the floor. The slate presented is: President – Helen Brock, Vice President – Becky Cockerham,       Secretary – Tina Williams and Treasurer – Rhonda Shaw.
General discussions followed and the meeting adjourned at 5:08pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas Cannaday