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Minutes January 16, 2021
Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County
President Lynda Begnaud called the meeting to order at 4 pm. This meeting is being held via Zoom due to attendance restrictions of COVID-19. All pledged the flag.
Lynda welcomed all attending.
The first order of business was the reading of the November meeting minutes by Nancy Cannaday. Treasurer Helen Brock read the financial report. Each item was approved.
Old Business
Lynda reported that we elected in the October meeting to use leftover stamps from the Voter Registration Mail Out Fund to send membership applications for 2021 term to members. They were mailed out and response has been exceptionally good. We now have 51 members who have paid their dues.
The profit made from the TDW Online Auction was $1,496.00. Lynda thanked Tina Williams for her hard work.
The food drive for North Ellis County Outreach has been a great success. For December TDW members donated $550.00.
There was some discussion on what to do with leftover candidate funds. We do have some local candidate running for City Elections, namely Mary Lou Shipley, Chuck Beatty, and Shirley Watson. There will be more discussion.
New Business
Vivian Gibson, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, gave a committee report. Some changes need to be in the applications. There was a great deal of discussion. Becky Cockerham moved that the committee make the changes and submit them. Rhonda Shaw seconded the motion and the motion carried.
County Chair Kelly Blackburn gave a report of activities of the Ellis County Democratic Party.
The decision was made to transfer $4.00 from Voter Registration Mail-Out Fund to round out the Online Auction to $1,500.00. Tommy Cannaday moved to do so. Nancy seconded and the motion carried.
The Executive Board suggested that the chapter should set upper limit on expenditures above which approval by the chapter Executive Board or membership is required. Emma Wilson said that the limit should be $100.00. Becky Cockerham seconded the motion and it carried.
Lynda reported that the TDW Convention will be February 19-21. Members may register online for $30.00.
A lot is up in the air because of Covid-19 as far as in-person functions are concerned:
• A Bakeless Bake Sale is set for March.
• A baby shower for Hope Clinic is set for September.
• An on-line fundraiser raffle – if we remain unable to meet in person.
Barbara Fudge will postpone presenting the financial review until the February meeting.
The installation of new TDW officers for 2021 was held.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.