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Minutes – June 19, 2021 Meeting of TDW of Ellis County

Helen Brock, President opened the meeting
In attendance were Helen Brock, Lynda & Jerome Begnaud, Bruce and Emma Wilson, Tina Williams, Becky Cockerham, Jim & Becky Kauffman, Vivian Gibson, Walter Logan, Janae Hawkins, Diana Melcher Barbara Fudge
Attending by zoom: Kelly Blackburn, Verlie McBroom, Phyllis Dunn.

Helen introduced Mariel Camargo, Melody Wilson and Kathryn Jenkins, three of the four scholarship winners. Unfortunately, Brianna Brice could not be present,

Mariel read her essay, followed by Melody. Both spoke of how Malala Yousafzai inspired them. Kathryn spoke of Taylor Swift and her fight to get payments for musicians and her courage in fighting sexual harassment.

All members recited the Pledge of Allegiance

Lynda Begnaud read the Treasurer’s Report

4:24 Old Business
Lynda Begnaud discussed the fall tea and renting the Women Center. Deposit would be $200.00
Jerome made the motion to make the deposit. Seconded by Becky Cockerham Unanimous vote Aye.

4:26 Helen thanked Vivian Gibson for work on the Scholarship Committee

4:28 New Business
Tina Williams discussed the tea which will be on Oct.02. Invitations will go out in September. Other upcoming events she is working on include a cookout at the African American Hall of Fame on Sept. 11th , the online auction starting in November and an Open House Reception for Christmas.

Kelly Blackburn discussed the garage sale which will be 8am – 5pm June 26
The Young Democrats will meet on Jun 26 at 12:00noon.
Kelly thanked the people who attended the Beto rally and Vivian mentioned there were eight people at the Juneteenth festival

Jerome asked Kelly the age restrictions of the Young Democrats and was told it is 18-40.

4:45 Jerome made the motion to adjourn and Emma Wilson seconded. Unanimous Aye.