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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County in person by zoom at 4 pm on Saturday 11/20/21
We were welcomed to the meeting by the President Helen Brock.
The meeting was called to order.
In person attendance were Kelly Blackburn, Helen Brock, Rebecca Cockerham, Jeanettea Flores, Christian Scott, Mary Lou Shipley, Tina Williams and Emma Wilson; attending by zoom were Phyllis Dunn, Vivian Gibson, Diana Melcher and Bruce Wilson.
The pledge of allegiance was shared.
Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of October 16, 2021. No corrections were made.
Becky Cockerham read the treasurer’s report which had been prepared by Lynda Begnaud. She reported that the scholarship fund has a balance as of 11/20/21 of $1,964.33, Spring Tea fund total is $36.00 Candidate fund $331.09, the PAC fund has $1,921.95 and operating fund has $1,023.16.
The by-Laws committee reported that they recommended the removal of the sentence in the by-laws that reads “No committee person shall serve more than three (3) consecutive years on the same committee.” The recommendation was accepted by acclamation.
The Nominating Committee presented the following as a slate of officers for 2022: Mary Lou Shipley – President
Rebecca Cockerham – Vice President
Helen Brock – Secretary
Lynda Begnaud- Treasurer
A call for nominations from the floor was made and since there were none the members voted aye for the slate with no abstentions or nays.
The new chair of the Scholarship committee, Tina Williams, said that they would be meeting soon.
There was no report from the Outreach Committee.
Kelly Blackburn spoke of the new hiring of Brandon Zuniga. She also spoke of having Meet and Greet meetings in Waxahachie and Midlothian and expects within three weeks to have one in Red Oak and Ennis.
Old Business:
The Open House was confirmed to be on Dec. 10 at HQ from 6pm-9pm. Auction items
will be on display and finger foods and wine will be provided.
Discussion about wine tasting in January was to be made a fundraiser costing $15 each.
The photo contest for Feb. will be on a theme of love. An 8 by 12 print can be submitted for $5 each and must be the work of the one who submits it. Only 3 can be submitted by each member.
New Business:
We discussed the importance of having democratic candidates in the up-coming 2022
Tina Williams made the motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Rebecca