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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County in person & by zoom at 4 pm on 2/19/22
We were welcomed to the meeting by the President Mary Lou Shipley
The meeting was called to order.
In person attendants were Jerome Begnaud, Lynda Begnaud, Kelly Blackburn, Helen Brock, Rebecca Cockerham, Becky & Jim Kauffman and Mary Lou Shipley; and attending by zoom were Vivian Gibson, Phyllis Duggan, Phyllis Dunn, Barbara Fudge, Verlie McBroom, Diana Melcher, Tina Williams & Jean Woods.
The pledge of allegiance was shared.
Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of January 15, 2022. No corrections were made.
Lynda Begnaud read the treasurer’s report. She reported that the scholarship fund has a balance as of 2/19/2022 of $3,662.42, Spring Tea fund total is $36.00, Candidate fund $381.09, Voter Registration $ 531.70, the PAC fund has $1,554.63 and operating fund has $605.84.
Tina Williams reported that the Scholarship committee has met and will award $800 to one student each at Avalon, Italy and Ferris High Schools.
Barbara Fudge reported on the audit of the Treasurer’s Report for 2021 and found the records in order.
There was some discussion of the Spring Tea to be held at 2:30-4:30 on April 23 at the Woman’s Building in Waxahachie. Tina Williams will provide tea, Becky C. and Lynda B. will provide sandwiches. Every one is encouraged to wear white. Further plans will be discussed at a meeting to beheld on Monday, February 28, 2022 at 1pm at Dem. HQ. Those in attendance will be Verlie McBroom, Vivian Gibson, Becky Cockerham, Lynda Begnaud, Tina Willilams and Mary Lou Shipley.
Bakeless Bake Sale was set for the month of June. The motion was made by Becky Cockerham and seconded by Helen Brock
A motion was made and accepted that the minutes and treasurer’s reports be posted on-line. The motion was made by Becky Kauffman and seconded by Becky Cockerham.
The photo contest ends 2/28/22/
There was no report from the Outreach Committee.
Kelly Blackburn spoke about early voting.
Lynda Begnaud reported on the survey suggesting a change of meeting time. Mary Lou suggested we think about it and discuss it at the next meeting.
Adjournment: Mary Lou Shipley made the motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Rebecca Cockerham.
Minutes prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC