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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County in person & by zoom at 4 pm on 6/18/22

President Mary Lou Shipley called the meeting to order.
In person attendants were Lynda & Jerome Begnaud, Kelly Blackburn, Kathleen Bowen, Helen Brock, Tommy & Nancy Cannaday, Becky Cockerham, Barbara Fudge, Vivian Gibson, Kim & Candace Hopgood, Julie Mendenhall, Mary Lou Shipley; and attending by zoom was Phyllis Dunn.
The pledge of allegiance was shared.
Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of May 21, 2022. No corrections were made.
The treasurer’s report is on-line and Lynda Begnaud summarized it. The bank balance in the PAC account is $2,131.42 and the balance in the Scholarship account is $4,170.69.
Mary Lou Shipley recognized Pauline Loera, our new member to TDW of Ellis County.

Cadence Hopgood a scholarship recipient from Italy High School spoke of her plans to continue her education and repay the kindness and inspiration she has received.
The Scholarship Vivian Gibson reported on the activities of the Scholarship committee having given three scholarships in the amount of $800 each to three recipients.
The Bakeless Bake Sale is continuing through the end of June.
Mary Lou, Lynda and Helen agreed to be on a nominating committee for this year.
Kelly Blackburn reported on several events that have been successfully experienced this month; the art show encouraging reproductive rights, the Pride Event and the Juneteenth celebration at Lee Penn Park.
Kelly Blackburn encouraged all who want a Beto yard sign to get them now for $15 each. Senate District 22 will have a Pre-Caucus at the Somervell Center in Glen Rose from 10am -2pm on Saturday 6/25/22. If anyone wants a ride Kelly offered to drive to it and can handle six passengers. Plans are being made to have an entry in the parade for the 4 of July. The State Convention of the Democratic Party will be in Dallas at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center July 14-16. Kelly asked for volunteers to organize VAN data and Helen and Lynda volunteered. Kelly also is looking for help keeping the office open on Tues., Thurs. and Saturdays. See sign up genius to find an open spot. For more information on all of these events please contact Kelly Blackburn.
Discussion was made of having a food drive of non-perishable food for the North Ellis County Outreach on July 9. Vivian Gibson volunteered to chair the outreach committee and Julie Mendenhall agreed to be on that committee.
Based on the survey done several months ago, Mary Lou announced that the meeting days will be changed to the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The July meeting will, therefore be on Tuesday, July 19. We believe this change will make it easier for more members to attend.

Mary Lou Shipley adjourned the meeting.

Minutes prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC