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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County in person at 6 pm on 7/19/22

President Mary Lou Shipley called the meeting to order.

Attendants were Kelly Blackburn, Helen Brock, Vivian Gibson, Randall Gorman, Alex Harrington, Becky Kauffman, Monica Lemin, Zyara Harrison & her mother, Tony Padilla, Nancy Post,  Mary Lou Shipley, Emma & Bruce Wilson and Jean Woods.

The pledge of allegiance was shared.

Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of June 18, 2022.   No corrections were made.

The treasurer’s report is on-line and Helen Brock summarized it. The bank balance in the PAC account is $2,697.66 as of 7/19/2022 and the balance in the Scholarship account is $2,570.69.  The Candidate Fund total is $1,411.09.

Zyara Harrison, a scholarship recipient from Ferris High School, spoke of her plans to continue her education at Dallas College Mountain View and gave a heartfelt  praise for her mother who raised four children as a single mother with a good spirit even after facing the loss of one leg as a result of Covid.

The Scholarship Vivian Gibson reported that she has agreed to chair the Scholarship committee which has decided that next year’s scholarship will go to Palmer and Maypearl High school students.

Julie Mendenhall will chair the outreach committee and anyone wishing to deliver the donations to North Ellis County Outreach is welcome to join her on Monday July 25 at 1pm at the DHQ.

The Bakeless Bake Sale is ending today.  It has raised $1,030 for the Candidate Fund.

Kelly Blackburn reported on the Democratic Party Convention held in Dallas last week-end. She is asking for more volunteers to staff the HQ on Tues. and Thurs.  from 12-6:30 pm and Sat. from 9-3 (See sign-up genius). Beto O’Roark will be here on Sunday August 7 at 2pm most likely at Big Al’s Down the Hatch. She also aanounced that the new city hall annex will be named for Chick Beatty.  There will be a meeting at the courthouse this Friday at 3pm concerning Jana Onyun.  All agreed that she has done an excellent job and needs our support.  Kelly Blackburn encouraged all who want a Beto yard sign to get them now for $15 each. There are also T-shirts for $15. For more information on these events please contact Kelly Blackburn.

The next meeting will be at 6pm on Tuesday 8/16/2022 in person at Democratic HQ.

Mary Lou Shipley adjourned the meeting.

Minutes prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC