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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County at 6pm on 9/20/22

President Mary Lou Shipley called the meeting to order.

Attendants were Linda Baker, Lynda & Jerome Begnaud, Kelly Blackburn, Kathleen Bowen, Helen Brock, Becky Cockerham, Jessica Drake, Barbara Fudge, Vivian Gibson, Becky Kauffman, Nancy Post, Mary Lou Shipley, Jean Woods and Carol Young.

The pledge of allegiance was shared.

Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of 8/16/2022. One correction was made.

The treasurer’s report is online and Lynda Begnaud summarized it. The bank balance in the PAC account is $946.38 as of 8/31/2022 and the balance in the scholarship account is $2,570.69.

Vivian Gibson, the chair of the Scholarship Committee reported that one scholarship each of $800 will be given to students of Maypearl and Palmer High Schools.  She said the committee will review the application that was used last year.

Julie Mendenhall, chair of the Outreach Committee, and Becky Cockerham will bring refreshments for the Baby shower to benefit Hope Health.  It will be Saturday  9/24/22 from 2-4 pm.

New officers for 2023 have been selected and will be voted on at the November meeting. They are as follows: Pres. Mary Lou Shipley, V. P. Nancy Post, Sec. Helen Brock & Treas. Linda Baker.

A motion was made by Kathleen Bowen and seconded by Rebecca Cockerham that the funds remaining in the Voter Registration Fund be donated to the Democratic Party of Ellis County.  The motion passed.

There was some discussion of who might lead the on-line auction and recycle aluminum cans.  Kelly will contact Tina Williams to see what she would like to do.

Kelly Blackburn reported on the voter registration efforts and plans for a block walk for Beto.  There was discussion of the mail out to new voters in Ellis County to encourage voter registration. Kelly Blackburn encouraged all who want a Beto yard sign to get them now for $15 each.  There are also T-shirts for $15.  For more information on any of this please contact Kelly Blackburn or contact the HQ on Tues. &Thurs.  from 12pm – 6:30pm, Friday 9am -12 pm and Saturdays 9am-3pm.

The next meeting will be at 6pm on Tuesday 10/18/2022 in person at Democratic HQ.

Kathleen Bowen presented a motion that we adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Becky Harris.   Mary Lou Shipley adjourned the meeting.

Minutes prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC