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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County at 6pm on 6/20/2023

President Mary Lou Shipley called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Those present were as follows: Linda Baker, Jerome & Lynda Begnaud, Kelly Blackburn, Helen Brock, Mary Brooks, Doug & Rebecca Cockerham, Betty Square Coleman, Barbara Fudge, Vivian Gibson, Andrew C. Henderson, Francine Jackson, Julie Mendenhall, Dr. Jamal Rasheed, Mary Lou Shipley, Barbara Turner, Jean Woods and Carol Young.

We shared the Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. A.

Helen Brock read the minutes taken last month by Barbara Fudge and they were approved.

Mary Brooks gave the treasurer’s report. The PAC fund stands at $2,741.71 and the Scholarship Fund has a balance of $1,000.69 after the disbursement of two checks for $800 each.

Mary Lou Shipley acknowledged our grief in the loss of Emma Wilson who died in a car accident near Waco; Bruce Wilson, her husband, survives.

Lynda introduced our speaker, Dr. Jamal Rasheed whose topic was the meaning of Juneteenth.

Dr. Jamal Rasheed explained that the celebration began to commemorate that three years after the Emancipation Proclamation word came to Texas by way of a ship arriving in Galveston that the slaves were to be freed. This celebration is intended to honor the ancestors who made it from slavery to freedom.  There  still  continues a fight for progress toward freedom, justice and equality.  The struggle continues and all are encouraged to be an ally in the effort to break down a system of oppression.  The truth will set you free.  Following his talk there was a time of questions and answers.

Vivian Gibson reported that with the help of Mary Brooks the payments have been made on behalf of our scholarship recipients to the institutions of their choice.

Mary Brooks announced that we will gather for a brown bag lunch next week HQ at noon on 6/27/23.  All are welcome to join the fellowship.

Lynda Begnaud announced that the League of Women Voters now have an Ellis County Chapter.

Kelly Blackburn reports that the Pride Alliance will have an event at the Hyberger Ranch; for more information contact Kelly Blackburn. Candidates running for office include John B. Love running for Cong. District 6 and Collin Allred running against Ted Cruz.

Helen Brock made a motion that we adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Becky Cockerham.

Minutes prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC