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TDW of Ellis County

March 19, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Vivian Gibson at 6:07 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Report:

The February meeting minutes are available online.

Becky made a motion to approve minutes.  Helen  seconded.  All ayes.

Treasurer Mary Brooks reported a PAC account balance of $3,543.26 and a Scholarship balance of $5,237.26.

Committee Reports:

Program – Lynda Begnaud

Lynda stated that the April program will be Ann Drumm, who is from the American Promise organization, a national, non-partisan group that is working to get money out of politics.

Scholarship – Vivian Gibson

Vivian stated that scholarship applications are due within the next 2 weeks.  Two $1,000.00 will be awarded to Ennis HS Graduates.

Community Outreach – Julie Mendenhall

The committee donated $80.00 cash and also baby items (as a group and some people donated individually) to Hope Health in March.

Fundraising – Nancy Post

No report.  This committee sends out an annual fundraising letter, bake-less bake sale and other activities to raise money for TDW.

Refreshments/Social – Carol Young

Carol asked that everyone sign up to bring refreshments to the meetings.  April meeting is Barbara Fudge.  Need someone for May.

Communications – OPEN

This committee is in need of a Chairperson.  The responsibilities include PR.  Let Nancy know if you know someone who could fill this role.

Voter Registration – OPEN

This committee is also in need of a Chairperson.  This role will work closely with the Ellis County Democrat group.  Let Nancy know if you know someone to fill this role.

Other Info:

Kelly Blackburn stated that the TDW Annual Retreat will be in Sugar Land on August 5-6th.  Signup early if you want to attend.  She also stated that the Ellis County Democratic Convention is Saturday, March 23rd at Comfort Inn.  She sent out FAQ email.  She stated that politics are encroaching on local government.  Cities should not be political but unfortunately it is happening everywhere.  Spread the word.  Don’t be afraid to speak up.

Mary Brooks stated that they will be holding voter registration at Red Oak and Waxahachie HS in the next few days.  Goal is to register 200 students to vote.

Waxahachie Mayor David Hill gave a brief overview of the state of Waxahachie (it is growing and doing very well).  He stated he is running for re-election.  He has been on City Council for 10 years and has always been non-political when dealing with local city issues.  He said “Potholes and sewers don’t care if you are Republican or Democrat.”  He wants to keep Waxahachie from becoming overly political and he wants to continue to help move the City forward.


Leslie Deen with the Ellis County Childrens Advocacy Center gave an informative presentation about the work CAC does and how they assist those in need in Ellis County.  CAC works with local law enforcement, CPS to help with family advocacy.  Their main focus is to preserve the family – family helps with healing.  CAC provides mental health services, and treats the whole family.  Leslie discussed human trafficking and shared some examples of how it is happening in Ellis County.  She said early intervention is key.  CAC works with schools.  They are victim centered, trauma informed, and culturally sensitive.  She stated there is an app called DISCORD that is used by older adults to lure children.  The term being used now is Commercial Sexual Abuse.  Most trafficked children are children of color.  CAC does prevention education at schools but parents must Opt In.  They discuss how to say no and safe online practices.  They also speak at Church groups.  There is a Statewide intake hotline for suspected child abuse.  If it is in Ellis County, the CAC sees this.  Many improvements have been made at the State and County level to ensure children are protected.  They also work with CASA.  Ellis County has a strong CASA group.  CAC focuses on preservation of the family.  Leslie stated that TDW would be welcome to schedule a tour of their facilities.

A flyer was passed out for a benefit for the Ellis County Children’s Advocacy Center.  The Bling Bang Bash Designer Purse Bingo and Gun Raffle Benefit will be April 19th at Sokol Hall in Ennis.


April – Barbara Fudge

Next Meeting:

April 16th at the home of Jeanette Flores in Midlothian.

Upcoming Actions and Announcements:

Contact Nancy if you can:

  • Chairing or volunteering for a committee

Look for new members to join TDW.


Rebecca made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Mary.  All ayes.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

The minutes were prepared by Kathleen Bowen.