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TDW of Ellis County

November 19, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Post at 6:00 p.m. with 23 members and 1 guest in attendance.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Report:

The October meeting minutes are available on the TDWEC website.  Becky Kauffman made a motion to approve.  Julie Adkins seconded.  All ayes.

Treasurer Mary Brooks reported a PAC account balance of $4,443.89 and a Scholarship balance of $5491.86.

Committee Reports:

Program – Lynda Begnaud

No program for December as there will be no December meeting.

Scholarship – Lynda Begnaud

Lynda is taking over the Scholarship Committee.  She said next year’s scholarship will go to Red Oak HS.

Community Outreach – Julie Mendenhall

Julie stated that Hope Health will be the focus organization starting in February.

Fundraising – Nancy Post

Nancy stated that the annual membership renewal letters have gone out.  Mary Brooks asked for donations to cover the cost of the Chamber of Commerce meeting space.

Upcoming Event:  Silent Auction – Will take place November 29 – December 15; think about things that you can donate such as gift baskets, gift certificates.  Contact Tina Williams to tell her what you will bring.

Refreshments/Social – Carol Young

Thank you to Vivian Gibson for November refreshments.  Starting in January, 2 people will bring refreshments.

Communications – Ginger Cole

Ginger has volunteered to take over this committee.  Working to get more news articles out.

Voter Registration – OPEN

This committee is also in need of a Chairperson.  This role will work closely with the Ellis County Democrat group.  Let Nancy know if you know someone to fill this role.

Ellis County Democratic Info:

Kelly Blackburn stated that the building fund currently has $67,000 and need another $25,000.  She is working with the City to get grant.

Nancy gave a special recognition and big thanks to Kelly for all of her hard work during the election.  Kelly stated 7,000 new voters were registered.  There was a 4% increase in Democrat turnout.  Postcards and block walking (5,000 doors and going to new areas) worked.

Installation of 2025 TDWEC Officers:

Lynda Begnaud, Chair of the Nominating Committee, introduced the TDWEC Officers for 2025:

President – Nancy Post

VP – Billye Summers

Treasurer – Joanne Hunt

Secretary – Kathleen Bowen

Special Announcement:

Becky Kauffman stated that there will be a Texas Historical Marker unveiling on Saturday, December 7th at 2:00 at Freedman Memorial Plaza – 430 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd in Waxahachie – to commemorate The Sweat Family, former slaves whose grandson helped to ensure that everyone in America has the right to equal education.  Please make plans to attend.


Nancy Post introduced Valerie Holman, Client Coordinator with Waxahachie CARE which provides monthly income based food and utility assistance to those in need.

They have 4 fulltime staff and the rest are volunteers.

Major donors include churches, North Texas Food Bank.  They are in most need of money and volunteers.

Valerie shared these statistics:

  • Texas has the highest rate of food insecurity in the US.
  • Grocery costs in Texas have increased 28% from 2020-2024.
  • Waxahachie CARE serves 400-600 individuals and families each month.
  • From 2023-2024 the percentage increase in households needing utility assistance was 50%.
  • From 2023-2024, the percentage increase of food given out was 26%.


January – Nancy Cannady and Kathleen Bowen

Next Meeting:

January 21st at the Chamber of Commerce

Upcoming Actions and Announcements:

Ellis County Democrat Party – Saturday December 14th at Kelly Blackburns house.  Sign up to bring an item and to RSVP.


Julie Mendenhall made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Helen Brock.  All ayes.

Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.

The minutes were prepared by Kathleen Bowen.