The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m., by President, Lynda Begnaud and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Barbara Fudge facilitated the installation of the new officers: • Lynda Begnaud – President • Emma Wilson – Vice President • Sharia Lassiter – Treasurer • Lana Turner – Secretary
Lynda Begnaud gave a brief speech of acceptance and appreciation of her position as President.
Lynda Begnaud – identified current and new Committee Leads:
• Get-out-to Vote (new, Jana Sanchez & Vicki Alcada) •Finance (need volunteer) • Christmas Party (need volunteer) • Audit (Ruthie Self & Barbara Fudge) • Scholarship (Vivian Gibson) •Food Bank/Pantry (Pat Paige)
Vanessa Adia, discussed the importance and benefits of women running for elected office (local and national
levels). Early phone banking and walking volunteers are essential to winning!!
Secretary Lana Turner - November 2018 Meeting Minutes were read and accepted.
Sharia Lassiter – November 2018 Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. 13 members paid their dues for 2019.
Old Business:
Lynda Fulghum passed away in November 2018. Lynda and her husband Don were long time members of
TDW. Don and Lynda built the Donkey stationed in the Ellis County Democratic office. Both were engineers
and enjoyed contributing it as a gift to the Ellis County Democratic office. It was moved to donate $50 to the
Ann Richards Foundation, in Lynda and Don Fulghum’s name.
New Democratic County Chair is J.R. Philips (replacing Nancy Cannaday). Philips’ is a long-time resident of Waxahachie, and he is looking forward to working with all of us.
New Business:
2019 Christmas Party. Need to select and reserve location. Note: The Women’s Center is the most reasonable
and will allow TDW to use a TDW member as the bartender.
Scholarship Committee – Vivian Gibson reported that the committee has met 3x since 2018. Target to
receive applications from high schools in March/April 2019 from the two Midlothian high schools. The award
program will take place in May, actual date is pending. The goal of the committee and scholarship is to
motivate and inspire students to continue with their education.
Outreach Committee – Pat Paige. Primary goal is to provide sizeable food items (non-perishable) to non-
profit foundations. A few foundations identified: • My House (Midlothian) • Helping Hands (Ennis) • Waxahachie Care (Waxahachie)
The committee is targeting local pantries in Midlothian and Waxahachie for our next outreach.
Vivian Gibson – suggested that TDW send the 2018 TDW President, Kathy Kincaid a service plaque.
Lynda Begnaud – suggested we suspend monthly Liberal Luncheon. It was brought to the floor by Ruthie Self instead of suspending the monthly luncheon consider changing the frequency to quarterly and change the
restaurant location quarterly as well.
Reminder – TDW Convention will be held in Austin, February 22 – 24. The Blue Ribbon Lobby Day will be
hosted by the Texas Democratic Committee, April 22nd
Fish Fry fundraiser will be held at Sardis Point Café on April 13, 2019, from 11:00 am. – 2:00 p.m. Cost - $12
per ticket.
Friendly reminder – Bakeless bake sale donations are still being accepted. Letters were mailed to TDW
members last month.
February 2019 Guest Speaker was Jesse Gibson (husband of TDW member Vivian Gibson). Gibson spoke about the history and importance of supporting Black History Month.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:49 p.m.