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TDW of Ellis County

October 15, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Treasurer Mary Brooks at 6:01 p.m. with 11 members and 3 guests in attendance.  Mary stood in for Nancy Post, who was on vacation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Special Presentation:  

Mary Brooks introduced Gene Lantz, President of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans. It is part of a 4.5 million member national Alliance for Retired Americans with organizations in 35 states. TARA as the Texas group is known, seeks to enroll, educate and mobilize retired union, senior and community activists into a statewide grassroots movement advocating on behalf of Texas retirees and seniors. It was started by the AFL-CIO, but is inclusive of union and non-union members. Members write postcards for candidates, block walk, and picket among other activities supporting candidates they think will support the right to retire. They are a 501C4, so they can do anything politically except cooperate with a candidate. Find out more at Gene played an original song called “Kamala” and then the Beatles song “Imagine”. He then mentioned that there will be a Women’s March in Dallas on November 2. People are to meet at Singleton Bridge.

Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Report:

The September meeting minutes are available on the TDWEC website.  Lynda Begnaud made a motion to approve.  Helen Brock seconded.  All ayes.

Treasurer Mary Brooks reported a PAC account balance of $3,810.87

and a Scholarship balance of $5,441.86.

Committee Reports:

Program – Lynda Begnaud

Lynda stated that the November speaker is TBD.

Scholarship – Lynda Begnaud stated that she has taken over as scholarship chair from Vivian Gibson. She stated that TDW will award two $1,000 scholarships next year to Red Oak High School. She said that she contacted the counselor at Red Oak and the scholarship applications are due to Red Oak by the end of January.

Community Outreach – Julie Mendenhall mentioned a project that she is working on for Christmas. She spoke to Larry Barksdale with CPS and he put her in touch with the person in charge of the foster care system. They are in need of diapers. She will let us know about the fundraiser at the next meeting.

Fundraising – Nancy Post

This committee sends out an annual fundraising letter, bake-less bake sale and other activities to raise money for TDW.

Refreshments/Social – Carol Young

Ensures refreshments are provided at each meeting.  Thank you to Dana Lowe for refreshments. Vivian Gibson will bring refreshments next month.

Communications – Ginger Cole volunteered to chair the Communications Committee.

Voter Registration – OPEN

This committee is also in need of a Chairperson.  This role will work closely with the Ellis County Democrat group.  Let Nancy know if you know someone to fill this role.

Ellis County Democratic Info:

Kelly Blackburn stated that 600 postcards still need to be done. They have already reached 2000 doors. There will be block walking in Red Oak, Oak Leaf and Glenn Heights this weekend. Block walkers should meet at Schupmann Elementary at 401 E. Ovilla Rd in Glenn Heights. There will be two shifts on Saturday – 9:45 – 12:30 and 1:30 – 4:30; Sunday – 1:30 – 4:30. Kelly is working on a sign-up for poll greeters. She would like to have a lot of Dems. A discussion was held on what a poll greeter does – they greet voters and hand out slate cards. Barbara Fudge said that a voter could bring the slate card with them inside the polling place. Kelly still has signs and stickers

Other Business:

Mary Brooks announced that Joanne Hunt has agreed to be Treasurer for 2025 and Billy Summers has agreed to be Vice President. Nancy Post and Kathleen Bowen have both agreed to serve another year.


Membership renewal applications will be mailed out at the end of this month to members for membership in the 2025 term.

Next Meeting:

November 19th at the Chamber of Commerce


Mary Brooks made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Rebecca Cockerham.  All ayes.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 

The minutes were prepared by Lynda Begnaud.

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