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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County at 6pm on 4/18/2023

President Mary Lou Shipley called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.

Attendants were Jason Bankhead, Helen Brock, Mary Brooks, Nancy & Tommy Cannaday, Barbara Fudge, Vivian Gibson, Nancy Post, Melanie Reynolds, Mary Lou Shipley, Bruce & Emma Wilson, Jean Woods and Carol Young.

The pledge of allegiance was shared.

Helen Brock read the minutes of the meeting held on 3/21/23. They were accepted as read.

The treasurer’s report was provided in an email to members and Mary Brooks summarized it. As of 4/18/2023, the bank balance in the PAC account is $1,305.51. The balance in the scholarship account is $2,600.69.

Melanie Reynolds and Jason Bankhead answered many questions concerning the four proposals for the school bond election. (If you missed the lively and informative session look up info on

Vivian Gibson reported on behalf of the Scholarship Committee that applications are out and the winners will be announced at the May meeting.

Mary Brooks proposed that we meet for lunch at headquarters at noon on Tuesday 4/25. There are some members unable to attend the meeting at night. This will offer an opportunity for fellowship; each one should provide their own lunch. The group agreed this was a good idea.

Julie Mendenhall will provide refreshments for the next meeting which will be held at 6pm on 5/16/23.

Mary Lou Shipley adjourned the meeting at 7:35 pm and we all ate refreshments provided by Barbara Fudge.

Minutes were prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC.