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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County in person at 6 pm on 8/16/22

President Mary Lou Shipley called the meeting to order.

Attendants were Jerome & Lynda Begnaud, Kathleen Bowen, Helen Brock, Mary Hunter, Barbara Fudge, Sandy Gregg, Donna M. Ross, Mary Lou Shipley, and Carol Young.

The pledge of allegiance was shared.

Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of July 19, 2022. Two spelling corrections were made.

The treasurer’s report is on-line and Lynda Begnaud summarized it. The bank balance in the PAC account is $2,946.87 as of 8/16/2022 and the balance in the Scholarship account is $2,570.69.  The Candidate Fund total is $1,431.09.

Barbara Fudge made a motion to add to the candidate fund enough to make it an even $1500. Then each local candidate running for office will receive $500 each.  They are Ro Hardesty running for Judge of the 40th District Court, Sharon Levingston for Justice of the Peace Precinct 3, and Robert Shelton, for JP District 4. The motion was seconded by Helen Brock.     

 No report was given by the Scholarship committee.

The Outreach Committee has delivered last months collection to North Ellis County Outreach and in September we will host a “Baby Shower” September 24  0n Saturday 2-4 pm at DHQ.

Bring: -Newborn onesie/outfits

-Light blankets


-Spit up towels (you can say burp clothes if you think that sounds better)

-newborn and size 1 diapers

Mary Lou Shipley reported on behalf of Kelly Blackburn that the Beto Rally of 9/7 was well attended and all the Democrats behaved themselves very well. She is asking for more volunteers to staff the HQ on Tues. and Thurs.  from 12-6:30 pm and Sat. from 9-3 (See sign-up genius).  All who want a Beto yard sign to get them now for $15 each. There are also T-shirts for $15. For more information on these items please contact Kelly Blackburn.

The next meeting will be at 6pm on Tuesday 9/20/2022 in person at Democratic HQ.

Kathleen Bowen made the motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Jerome Begnaud.

Minutes prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC