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August 18, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 4:03 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The treasury report was read and accepted. We have $556 in the scholarship fund as of today. Thirty- seven members have paid their dues.

Nancy Cannaday spoke about the Vote by Mail program. Over 2,000 people would qualify in Ellis County. Because it’s something new, the recipients will need to be called to have it explained. We need volunteers to sign up to make phone calls.

Old Business: Scholarship recipients, Emma Howard and Marissa Feller received their money. Pat Paige gave a report of the TDW food donation on July 23rd at Manna House in Midlothian. We were asked what organization we represented multiple times and they were very pleased with the donations. Manna House works with the police and fire departments and with churches. We are donating $1200 to candidates. A committee was formed to make the decisions as to how to distribute. The committee includes Barbara Fudge, Kathy Mitchell, Ruthie Self, and Nancy Cannaday. Women’s Equality Day is August 22nd in Dallas at City Hall at 12:00 pm on the 6th floor. Turning the Page is the theme. Wear white.

Tommy Cannaday announced that Lynn Wilson has been very ill. She is in hospice care and is not responding.

New Business: Donations are needed for the Hope Clinic, like diapers and other baby things. Nancy suggested that we have a “baby shower” in the next meeting to collect the donations. We could name it Baby Shower for Hope Clinic.
Our speaker was Robert Ray Smith who spoke to us about the two main ways to get your Medicare coverage. Those are the original Medicare and the Medicare Advantage Plan.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:43.