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TDW of Ellis County February 20, 2024 Meeting

Kelly Blackburn – Ellis County Democratic Party Update

Kelly provided the following update at 6:05 p.m. via Zoom:

March 1 – Early Voting Ends

March 5 – Election Day

Need Poll Workers.  Please contact Kelly if you can help.

Headquarters is closed.  The front façade is done.  Inside work will begin soon.  Need to raise more money for inside.  Kelly’s garage is temporary headquarters.  Can hold about 15 people.

State Convention – Will meet in El Paso June 6-8. If anyone is interested, it will cost $120-$175 per person for a bus to El Paso.  Pre-register if interested.

County Convention – Our county convention will be held in the ballroom of the Comfort Inn and Suites in Waxahachie on March 23.

Block Walking – Knocked on 115 doors in Waxahachie; and 260 doors in Red Oak last weekend.  Next weekend will be in Midlothian and Ennis.  Contact Kelly or Terri if you want to help.

The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Post at 6:20 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Report:

The January meeting minutes are available online.  Kathleen stated there was 1 outstanding action to find possible grants for the building.  None were found due to TDW not being a nonprofit.  Only local preservation grants available.

Rebecca made a motion to approve minutes.  Carol seconded.  All ayes.

Treasurer Mary Brooks reported a PAC account balance of $2,950.25 and a Scholarship balance of $5,237.26.   $500.00 was donated to the building fund.

Jeanetta made motion to approve the January Treasurers report.  Barbara seconded.  All ayes.

Committee Reports:

Program – Lynda Begnaud

Nancy stated that the April program will be a person from the American Promise organization, a national, non-partisan group that is working to get money out of politics.

Scholarship – Vivian Gibson

Vivian provided a written report.  The Scholarship Committee met on January 31, 2024.  Present at the meeting with Lynda Begnaud, Rebecca Cockerham, Helen Brock and Vivian Gibson.  At that meeting, it was decided that both scholarship for SY2023-24 in the amount of $1,000 each will be in memory of Emma Wilson.  Emma was a longtime active member of TDW and the TDW Scholarship Committee.  She was a retired teacher in Ennis ISD.  Rebecca dropped the applications off to the school’s Scholarship Coordinator on February 5th.  The committee decided the deadline for submission of applications is April 3rd.

Community Outreach – Julie Mendenhall

This committee does the annual baby shower, food drive, and other things that help nonprofits in Ellis County.  Let Julie know if you know of an organization that may need assistance.

Fundraising – Nancy Post

Nancy stated that this committee sends out an annual fundraising letter, bake-less bake sale and other activities to raise money for TDW.

Nancy stated that a fundraising letter is going out soon to all past and current members.  Current members will receive a list of all current members.  In June we will have our bakeless bake sale and fundraiser for scholarships.  Hope Health is in need of baby supplies.  Please give money or bring baby supplies to Hope Health.  $80.00 and several bags of baby supplies were collected at the meeting.  They will be delivered on Friday to Hope Health.

Refreshments/Social – Carol Young

Carol asked that everyone sign up to bring refreshments to the meetings.

Communications – OPEN

This committee is in need of a Chairperson.  The responsibilities include PR.  Let Nancy know if you know someone who could fill this role.

Voter Registration – OPEN

This committee is also in need of a Chairperson.  This role will work closely with the Ellis County Democrat group.  Let Nancy know if you know someone to fill this role.

Other Info:

Nancy restated to be sure and vote early. is an excellent resource on candidate information.

Kelly is recruiting Precinct Chairs.  Please let Kelly know if you are interested.

There is a need for Block Walkers and Poll Workers.  Please let Kelly know if you can help.


Pauline Mims was the featured presenter and she gave us an overview of Unions in our area.  Pauline is a member of UAW Local 276, the Political and Legislative Chair and a field organizer for the UAW North Texas GOTV Campaign and the Region 8 Women’s sub council President.

Pauline gave a wonderful and insightful talk about the importance of Unions.  She also said that it is important for people to vote for the greater good.  Even though you may not agree with a particular candidate 100%, you should look at the big picture, and look for the candidate that will do the most good.  Decide which candidate will do the most good and then support them.


March – Rebecca Cockerham

Next Meeting:

March 19th.

Upcoming Actions and Announcements:

Contact Kelly if you can help with:

  • Being a poll worker
  • Being a block walker
  • Want to go to the State Convention

Contact Nancy if you can:

  • Chairing or volunteering for a committee

Look for new members to join TDW.

Get out to Vote Volunteers Needed to sign up high school students to vote; Contact Mary Brooks if you can help:

  • Red Oak High School – March 20th
  • Waxahachie High School – March 25 & March 26


Daphne made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Vivian.  All ayes.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

The minutes were prepared by Kathleen Bowen.