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Minutes February 27, 2021

Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County
President Helen Brock called the meeting to order at 4:00pm. This meeting is being held via Zoom due to attendance restrictions of COVID-19. All pledged the flag.
Helen welcomed all attending.
The first order of business was the reading of the January meeting minutes by Lynda Begnaud who also read the Treasurer report. Each item was approved.
Helen introduced Lillie Jenkins Walker who discussed proverbs and their use in everyday life. Ms. Walker invited the members to share their favorite proverbs and sayings.

Old Business

There was discussion of the merits of collecting aluminum cans for recycling. No decision was reached and the matter put on hold until next meeting.

New Business

Report from the Scholarship Committee showed the deadline for applications would be April 09. No applications have been received at this time.
An earlier discussion had been held regarding sponsorship of Jana Sanchez however it was determined TDW of Ellis as an organization, would not be able to make a donation to her campaign. Instead TDW would suggest members donate as individuals.
Mary Lou Shipley spoke about her hopes for reelection to Waxahachie City Council
Chuck Beatty also spoke about his campaign for reelection.
It was agreed to contribute $100.00 to each campaign. $100.00 is the maximum allowed without a full vote of the membership as was voted on in the January meeting.
The mailout program was discussed and it was agreed to continue as the membership felt there had been a good return.
The meeting was then closed by Helen Brock at 5:00pm