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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County in person & by zoom at 4 pm on Sat. 1/15/22
We were welcomed to the meeting by the President Helen Brock.
The meeting was called to order.
In person attendants were Lynda Begnaud, Helen Brock, Rebecca Cockerham, Diana Melcher, Mary Lou Shipley, Tina Williams and Emma Wilson and attending by zoom were Jerome Begnaud, Kelly Blackburn, Nancy & Tommy Cannaday, Vivian Gibson, Bruce Wilson, & Jean Woods.
The pledge of allegiance was shared.
Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of November 20, 2021. One correction was made (dimensions of photographs for fundraiser are 8 x10).
Lynda Begnaud read the treasurer’s report. She reported that the scholarship fund has a balance as of 12/30/21 of $2,034.33, Spring Tea fund total is $36.00, Candidate fund $331.09, Voter Registration $ 531.70, the PAC fund has $3,207.47 and operating fund has $2,308.68. Emma Wilson inducted the new slate of officers for 2022:
Mary Lou Shipley – President Rebecca Cockerham – Vice President Helen Brock – Secretary Lynda Begnaud- Treasurer
Our new President Mary Lou Shipley addressed the members on the need to pull together as a united group to accomplish our goals for Democrats in Ellis County.
There was no report from the Outreach Committee.
Kelly Blackburn spoke of the three Democrats running locally in the election on March 1, 2022. She also spoke of the need for election workers.
Old Business:
Tina Williams said that all the proceeds of the auction were dedicated to the
scholarship fund. The scholarship committee will meet at 2pm on Thursday 1/20/22. The photo contest for Feb. will be on a theme of love. An 8 by 10 print can be
submitted for $5 each and must be the work of the one who submits it. Only 3 can be submitted by each member.
New Business:
Getting Democratic candidates elected to office in 2022. There are three running in local elections.
Adjournment: Emma Wilson made the motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Rebecca Cockerham.
Minutes prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC