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TDW of Ellis County

July 16, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Post at 6:08 p.m. with 23 members and 4 guests in attendance.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Report:

The June meeting minutes are available on the TDWEC website.  Helen Brock made a motion to approve.  Rebecca Cockerham seconded.  All ayes.

Treasurer Mary Brooks reported a PAC account balance of $4,449.60 and a Scholarship balance of $5,252.26.  Ellen Underwood made a motion to approve.  Kelly Blackburn seconded.  All ayes.

Special Presentation: 

Mary Brooks talked about Emma Wilson, a longtime member who passed away, and how the TDWEC Scholarship was renamed in her memory because she meant so much to everyone in the organization.

Vivian Gibson introduced Lynnashia Brooks, one of the 2023/2024 Scholarship winners, who read her amazing essay about Katherine Johnson.

Committee Reports:

Program – Lynda Begnaud

Lynda stated that the August speakers will be Larry Barksdale who is with the Texas Foster Care system. Also a representative from the Homeless Coalition will speak.

Scholarship – Vivian Gibson

Community Outreach – Julie Mendenhall

The Food Drive for Manna House is continuing until July 31st .  Several boxes of food have already been collected.  The collection is for Manna House, which assist with food and other needs to those in Midlothian and Italy (  They are appreciative of any food donations, but they especially need these items: Peanut butter, jelly, ketchup, mayo, mustard, soups (with meat), chili and other canned goods with meat, canned meat, canned fruit.Bring your donation to Nancy Post’s house (606 Sycamore), Sims Library (515 W. Main), the Waxahachie Senior Activity Center (122 Park Hills Dr).

Fundraising – Nancy Post

This committee sends out an annual fundraising letter, bake-less bake sale and other activities to raise money for TDW.

Refreshments/Social – Carol Young

Ensures refreshments are provided at each meeting.  Thank you to Helen Brock for refreshments.

Communications – OPEN

This committee is in need of a Chairperson.  The responsibilities include PR.  Let Nancy know if you know someone who could fill this role.

Voter Registration – OPEN

This committee is also in need of a Chairperson.  This role will work closely with the Ellis County Democrat group.  Let Nancy know if you know someone to fill this role.

Mary Brooks stated that they have 1 apartment complex to conduct voter registration on August 3rd.  Please let her know if you know other complexes that would allow us to come to do this great work.

Ellis County Democratic Info:

Kelly Blackburn stated that The Democratic Party Tea will be held on July 28th at 2:00 at the Comfort Inn to raise money for the headquarters building.  They will be starting block walking, phone banking and post card writing soon.  Nancy Post stated that there is a campaign to write postcards for swing states.  Let Nancy or Kelly know if you’d like to help with that effort.

Other Business:

Liza Hameline, our District 6 representative to the National Democratic Convention, talked about the importance of getting registered voters out to vote.  And how a small 10% increase in turnout could make a big difference.  She also stated that there is a Democrat running in every house race this year.


Nancy Post introduced Ruby Faye Woolridge who spoke about how to increase the vote in Ellis County by using her own experience running for Arlington City Council.  Her message was inspirational and helpful.  She stressed focusing on basics and being consistent.  She referenced several organizations that can help:

Democracy Rising

Texas Freedom Network

Progressive Women of Arlington

Heather Cox Richardson – follow her on FaceBook, discusses Project 2025


August – Davita Ross

Next Meeting:

August 20 at the Chamber of Commerce

Upcoming Actions and Announcements:

Ellis County Democrats Tea will be Sunday, July 28th at 2:00 p.m. at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Waxahachie.  This is to raise money for the Democratic HQ building fund.

Contact Nancy if you can:

  • Chair or volunteer for a committee

Look for new members to join TDW.


Barbara Fudge made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Kelly Blackburn.  All ayes.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

The minutes were prepared by Kathleen Bowen.