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Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County
July 18, 2023

President Mary Lou Shipley called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.

Those present were as follows: Linda Baker, Jerome & Lynda Begnaud, Kelly Blackburn, Helen Brock, Mary Brooks, Cathy Carrasco, Rebecca Cockerham, Betty Square Coleman, Jeanettea Flores, Jesse & Vivian Gibson, Daphne Hajovsky, Andrew C. Henderson, Francine Jackson, John B. Love 111, Julie Mendenhall, J Patton, Nancy Post, Mary Lou Shipley, Barbara Turner, Jean Woods and Carol Young.

We shared the Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. A.

Helen Brock read the minutes taken last month and they were amended.

Mary Brooks gave the treasurer’s report. The PAC fund stands at $2,630.52 and the  Scholarship

Fund has a balance of $1,662.84.

Our speaker for the night was John B. Love who is running for U. S. Con. District 6. He spoke about his dedication to truth, honor and integrity. He also described working with Republicans in Midland, Texas and finding common ground. Now living in Navarro, County he is asking for all of us to accomplish a change in our leadership.

Following an excellent presentation there
was a time for questions and answers. John is dedicated to fighting a good fight without

Julie Mendenhall announced the collection of canned goods for the food bank Helping Hands of Ennis. There will be a bake less bake sale in August to fund the scholarship fund. Also funds are being collected in the name of Emma Wilson to form a scholarship in her name.

Vivian Gibson will meet with the scholarship committee and bring a proposal for how to handle the Emma Wilson scholarship at the next meeting of TDWEC.

A recommendation was presented that the minutes and treasurer’s report be included in the monthly newsletter.

It was agreed that we will meet for lunch next Tues. on 7/25/23 at noon. All are welcome to join the fellowship.

Becky Cockerham made a motion that we adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Mary Brooks.

Minutes prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC