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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County in person & by zoom at 4 pm on 5/21/22
President Mary Lou Shipley called the meeting to order.
In person attendants were Kelly Blackburn Helen Brock, Barbara Fudge, Julie Gardner, Becky Kauffman, Julie Mendenhall, Mary Lou Shipley & Bruce and Emma Wilson; and attending by zoom were Phyllis Dunn and Vivian Gibson.
The pledge of allegiance was shared.
Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of April 16, 2022. No corrections were made.
The treasurer’s report is on-line and Helen Brock summarized it. The bank balance in the PAC account was $1,916.47 and the balance in the Scholarship account was $3,912.42.
The Scholarship Vivian Gibson and Emma Wilson reported on the activities of the Scholarship committee.
The Bakeless Bake Sale will be dedicated to candidate funding it will beheld throughout the month of June. Volunteers will be needed.
The Spring Tea was a success and the funds were donated to the scholarship fund.
There was no report from the Outreach Committee.
Kelly Blackburn encouraged all who have not voted yet to vote in the Democratic run-off involving 4 state offices. She announced an Art show to be held at the DHQ building at 7pm on June 11, 2022. The next day on June 12 from 3-5pm will be the Ellis County Pride Alliance at the park on the north side of the Presbyterian Church on College St. On June 18 Those who are in Senate District 22 will have a Pre-Caucus at the Somervell Center in Glen Rose from 10am – 2pm. Plans are being made to have an entry in the parade for the 4 of July. The State Convention of the Democratic Party will be in Dallas at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center July 14- 16. For more information on all of these events please contact Kelly Blackburn.
Mary Lou brought up the issue of changing the meeting time away from Saturday afternoon. There was general discussion of times and days that might be better for greater attendance.
Julie Mellencamp asked questions about what the group tries to accomplish There was a general discussion of this. Julie Gardner suggested name tags and an effort to get to know people. Barbara Fudge reported the State TDW tries to support any women seeking office in the State government. She mentioned that the state meeting convenes every year in Austin usually in February and there is a Retreat to be held this year in Fort Bend in the summer. Vivian Gibson reported that North Ellis County Outreach is in need of canned goods. Adjournment: Becky Harris made a motion that we adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Emma Wilson and accepted by acclamation..
Minutes prepared by Helen Brock, Secretary of TDWEC