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Minutes November 21, 2020
Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County

President Lynda Begnaud called the meeting to order at 4pm. This meeting is being held via Zoom due to attendance restrictions of COVID-19. All pledged the flag.
First order of business was the reading of the October meeting minutes by Secretary Tommy Cannaday. Treasurer Helen Brock read the financial report. Each item was approved.
Old Business
Lynda thanked Haley Kayzen, Terri Crouch, Emma Wilson and Tina Williams for helping with the social media accounts.
Lynda explained that we are still supporting North Ellis County Outreach. Last month she mailed them a check for $200. Checks can be sent to Lynda who will send a TDW check for the combined amount to NECO. You may also click the donation link in emails from TDW.
We voted last month to use the leftover stamps from voter registration for 2021 TDW membership renewals. She also mailed out TDW membership applications with the stamped return envelopes for submitting the application and the check for the dues. She said response was very good. We have gotten applications back from about 3/4 of our membership.
New Business
Lynda called for committee reports.
Vivian Gibson reported on the Scholarship Committee. They are to meet soon, and the scholarship will go to Waxahachie High School this year. This needs to be mentioned in the newsletter. She reported that the Scholarship Committee is excited about the online auction Tina Williams has organized as a fund-raising project.
Tina reported that the auction will be held from noon on Tuesday Dec. 1st to noon Tuesday Dec. 15th. online and a link will be sent out to all members. The items submitted for auction will be brought to Democratic Headquarters on Saturday 5th from 10am to 4pm.If you have any questions concerning the auction, email Tina Williams at We sincerely thank Tina for all her hard work organizing and conducting this auction. Plans are being made to place items in the papers and to send emails to all on the Ellis County Democratic email roll.

Our December meeting is usually the Christmas Party which advisably will not be held this year. A vote was taken and passed that the December meeting would not be held.
Lynda happily reported that the Curtis Polk issue which was on all local media has been resolved.
We were asked to write letters to our commissioners about the Confederate statue at the courthouse
Barbara Fudge will be in charge of auditing the Treasurer’s books as per usual at the end of the year.

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TDW Minutes November 21, 2020

Nancy Cannaday presented the slate of new officers. There were no nominations from the floor. Bruce Wilson moved the slate be elected by acclamation. Barbara Fudge seconded the motion and the motion carried. The newly elected officers are as follows:
President – Helen Brock
Vice President – Becky Cockerham
Treasurer – Rhonda Shaw
Secretary – Tina Williams
General discussions followed and the meeting adjourned at 4:44pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Thomas Cannaday