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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County By zoom at 4 pm on Saturday 10/16/21
We were welcomed to the zoom meeting by the president Helen Brock. The meeting was called to order.
In attendance were Lynda Begnaud, Jerome Begnaud, Helen Brock, Nancy and Tommy Cannaday, Rebecca Cockerham, Phyllis Dunn, Barbara Fudge, Vivian Gibson, Cora Lansdowne, Walter Logan, Diana Melcher, Mary Lou Shipley and Emma and Bruce Wilson.
The pledge of allegiance was shared.
Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of September 18, 2021, which she prepared. No corrections were made.
Lynda Begnaud read the treasurer’s report. She reported that the scholarship fund has $1652.52 and the PAC fund has $2,129.29.
Helen Brock announced that Tina Williams will be the new chair of the scholarship committee and Vivian will continue as a member of the committee.
Old Business:
The Open House was confirmed to be on Dec. 10 at HQ from 6pm-9pm. Auction items
will be on display and finger foods will be provided.
Decision about wine tasting in January will be made in November. The photo contest for Feb. will be on a theme of love.
New Business:
Nominating Committee presented this slate of officers to be elected at the Nov. meeting:
President – Mary Lou Shipley
V. President – Rebecca Cockerham Treasurer- Lynda Begnaud Secretary- Helen Brock
Discussion involved the need to change the term limits of officers that is required by our current bylaws. With that in mind a Motion was made by Tina Wilson and seconded by Emma Wilson that we form a By-Laws Committee. The members of this committee will be Emma Wilson, Lynda Begnaud, Tina Williams, Rebecca Cockerham and Barbara Fudge. They need to present their recommendations by the 10th of Novemeber.
Jerome Begnaud moved that we accept this slate and the motion was seconded by Mary Lou Shipley. The motion was accepted.

Discussion involved the need to change the term limits of officers that is required by our current bylaws. With that in mind a Motion was made by Tina Wilson and seconded by Emma Wilson that we form a ByLaws and Policy Committee. The members of this committee will be Emma Wilson, Lynda Begnaud, Tina Williams, Rebecca Cockerham and Barbara Fudge. They need to present their recommendations by the 10th of November
Lynda Begnaud made a motion that the can fund be donated to the candidate fund. Diana Melcher seconded the motion and it was passed.
Lynda Begnaud moved that we adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Barbara Fudge. The motion passed. The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Helen Brock