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September 15, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 4:06 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Kathy KinKaid opened the meeting with words of encouragement. The minutes were read and accepted. The treasury report was read and accepted. We have $586 in our Scholarship Fund.

Old Business:

A member, Lynne Wilson died. A motion was made and accepted to donate $50 as a memorial to her. After discussion, it was decided to send the donation to Ann Richard’s School for Young Women Leaders in Austin.

Barbara Fudge shared how the campaign money TDWEC allocated to candidates was distributed. A $100 donation was allocated to Jana Lynne Sanchez, Lupe Valdez, Kim Olson, Justin Nelson, Joi Chevalier, Curtis Polk Jr., and Sharon Levingston. Beto wouldn’t accept our donation because we are a PAC. The campaign Donations Committee decided to split the funds allocated for Beto to J.R. Phillips and Vicki Spaniel making the donation to each of them $200.

National Voter Registration Day is September 25.

Beto’s mother and sister were at Ellis County Democratic headquarters on Friday, September 14.

New Business:

Mike Collier will be here on Monday, October 15 at Ellis County Democratic headquarters for the Ellis County Young Democrats meeting. Kathy, Lynda, and Gayla will help prepare for the meeting. An article needs to be sent to local papers to announce his coming.

t’s time to elect new TDW officers. TDW elections chair is Ruthie Self. Not all officers are leaving. Existing officers can serve again.

Beto and Cruz will have their first debate on Friday, September 21 at 6 pm. It will be on domestic policy and will be held at SMU. There will be a debate watch party at headquarters.

Gayla reminded us the Hillary Clinton will be on the Rachel Maddow show on Tuesday, September 18.

The Bob Phillips festival is October 27. We decided to postpone discussion of whether to open headquarters during that until the next meeting.

We discussed where to have the Christmas party this year. Ruthie will find out about the Woodman of the World location.

Kathy KinKaid suggested setting up a mock voting booth to help people feel more comfortable about voting.

Becky Folse talked to the group about being a poll greeter, and asked for volunteers on election day and for early voting at all locations.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:52 PM.

Gladys Burns with Meals on Wheels of Johnson and Ellis County spoke to us about their mission and told us about volunteer opportunities.