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TDW of Ellis County

September 17, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Post at 6:03 p.m. with 22 members and 8 guests in attendance.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Special Presentation: 

Nancy Post introduced Kimberly Fuller, President of the Ellis County Homeless Coalition. The purpose of the Ellis County Homeless Coalition is to lead the efforts to identify homeless issues, to assist those experiencing homelessness with resources. The Coalition supports the development of community strategies to make homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring. They work to raise awareness of the need for affordable housing in Ellis County. The website is and the Facebook account is

ECHC is an all volunteer organization that helps those in need with food, clothing, gas assistance, utilities, travel costs, and emergency shelter.  They work with other nonprofits to try to prevent homelessness.  Their main way of operating is to help people help themselves.

As of the Point in Time count in January 2024, there were 126 homeless people in Ellis County.  38 of those were children.  It is estimated that there are now 350 homeless in Ellis County with 2/3 of those being children.

How can you help?

  • Donate
  • Volunteer – for phone calling or to meet people where they are
  • Need housing in Ellis County – if you know of affordable temporary housing
  • If you see a homeless person, report this on their website

Kimberly may be reached at 972.638.7737

Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Report:

The August meeting minutes are available on the TDWEC website.  Mary Lou Shipley made a motion to approve.  Mary Brooks seconded.  All ayes.

Treasurer Mary Brooks reported a PAC account balance of $4,365.03 and a Scholarship balance of $5441.86.

Committee Reports:

Program – Lynda Begnaud

Lynda stated that the October speaker is TBD.

Scholarship – Vivian Gibson

Community Outreach – Julie Mendenhall

Fundraising – Nancy Post

This committee sends out an annual fundraising letter, bake-less bake sale and other activities to raise money for TDW.

Refreshments/Social – Carol Young

Ensures refreshments are provided at each meeting.  Thank you to Carol Young for refreshments.

Communications – OPEN

This committee is in need of a Chairperson.  The responsibilities include PR.  Let Nancy know if you know someone who could fill this role.

Voter Registration – OPEN

This committee is also in need of a Chairperson.  This role will work closely with the Ellis County Democrat group.  Let Nancy know if you know someone to fill this role.

Ellis County Democratic Info:

Kelly Blackburn stated that 5,000 postcards have been done.  They need stamps.  There will be block walking with the NAACP in Red Oak and Ferris this weekend.  Volunteer opportunities are available for phone banking, postcards and block walking. is a an “all in one site” to check all things about voting.  To get Harris/Walz signs, Stickers or Tshirts – go to the Ellis County Democrat website which now has an online store or go to Kellys garage Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.  Poll workers are needed.

Lynda Begnaud asked about donating money for stamps for the postcards.  Ellen Underwood made a motion to donate $300.00 to the EC Democratic Party for stamps.  Sharia Lassiter seconded.  All ayes.

A discussion was held to donate money to Jennifer Brummell for her write-in candidacy against Brian Harrison.  Helen Brock made a motion to donate $250.00 to Jennifer Brummell’s campaign.  Ellen Underwood seconded.  All ayes.

Other Business:

There will be a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) meeting on Friday, September 20th 6-9:00 p.m. at 3 Community Circle, Midlothian, where James Talarico will speak.  Consider carpooling to attend this meeting.

Special Guest:

John Love, who is running for District 5 against Jake Ellzey spoke about his experience and why he is running.  He provided yard signs.  Go to


October – TBD

Next Meeting:

October 15th at the Chamber of Commerce

Upcoming Actions and Announcements:

October 7th – Last day to register to vote

Everyone should check to make sure they are eligible to vote by going to


Helen Brock made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Kelly Blackburn.  All ayes.

Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.

The minutes were prepared by Kathleen Bowen.