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Minutes of Texas Democratic Women of Ellis County By zoom at 4 pm on Saturday 9/18/21

We were welcomed to the zoom meeting by the president Helen Brock. The meeting was called to order.
In attendance were Helen Brock, Lynda Begnaud, Nancy and Tommy Cannaday, Rebecca Cockerham, Phyllis Dunn, Vivian Gibson, Diana Melcher, Barbara Fudge, Emma and Bruce Wilson and Carol Young.
The pledge of allegiance was shared.
Helen Brock read the minutes from the meeting of August 21, 2021, which she prepared. No corrections were made.
Lynda Begnaud read the treasurer’s report. She reported that the building fund had been made into the scholarship fund and the scholarship fund now has $1652.52 and the PAC fund has $1391.02.

Old Business:
September- We had the BBQ behind the African American Hall of Fame Museum and Library. We thank all who worked hard for this event.
Plans for the on-line auction are in process and some discussion was addressing what kinds of items sell well and how the prices could be set at an appropriate level.
New Business:
Nominating Committee will present at slate of officers at the October meeting.
Kelly Blackburn announced the upcoming meeting of the Ellis County Democratic Party on 9/30/21 at 7pm at the HQ.
Nancy Cannaday brought up the upcoming election between Wray and Harrison. The general consensus was that Wray is preferable to Harrison. Election date is 9/28/21 which means early voting should be starting on Monday.
Some discussion was concerning how to register un-registered voters in Ellis County. Move the Map was mentioned and going to apartment buildings was discussed.
Emma Wilson moved that we adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Mary Lou Shipley. The motion passed. The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Helen Brock