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September 2019 Meeting Minutes
Saturday, September 21, 2019
1. Call to Order ─ President, Lynda Begnaud called the meeting to order at 4:03 P.M., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Membership was introduced to Ms. Lauri Brook, a visitor, and
2. Elected Officers
President: Vice-President: Treasurer: Secretary:
3. Ms. Diana Melcher, a new member.
Guest Speaker: Jana Sanchez introduced Stephen Daniel, Democrat running against Congressman Ron Wright (R) for the U.S. Congressional District 6 seat in the upcoming 2020 Elections. Stephen Daniel is an attorney (personal injury lawyer) at Clay Jenkins & Associates and is a resident of Ellis County. He discussed the following platform: Medical Care, Immigration, Citizenship, holding politicians accountable, and having an economy that work for everyone. Before leaving he answered questions and listened to the opinions of the membership.
4. Minutes ─ Minutes from the August 17, 2019, meeting were read and accepted.
5. Treasurer Report ─ Financial information dated September 20, 2019, was read and accepted. Current balance is $3,110.45, and includes: $1,137.00 for the Scholarship Fund, $424.01 for the 2020 CandidateFund,and$1,549.44 inoperatingfunds.Thereis$397.52 istheBuildingFund.
6. Old Business
a) T-shirts are $20.00
b) Brown Bag Lunch. 7 members attended and discussed Fall Luncheon along with building clean
c) 3 members attended Women’s Equality Day.
d) 8 members were in attendance at the Waxahachie High School Culinary Day.
e) Remember, when providing refreshments please bring snacks and not a full meal.
f) The proceeds from the Fall Fundraiser Luncheon will be donated to Democratic candidates after
the primaries.
7. New Business
a) Scholarship Committee will give an update after October meeting.
b) Outreach Committee will make their next donation in October.
c) Haley Kayzen composed a letter that will be mailed to Senator John Cornyn. There is a sheet
that will be attached with signatures. Please read the letter and sign. We will send a letter to
the Senator’s office every month.
d) Next Brown Bag Lunch will be on Monday, October 14, 2019, at 11:00 A.M. at headquarters. e) October 15, 2019, is the next Democratic Debate. Jana Sanchez will organize a watch party. f) Thank you, to Larry Wilson for the generous donation towards the scholarship fund.
g) Fall Luncheon. We need volunteers and a few items: tea, ice, and deserts (banana pudding).
There is a sign-up sheet available and please prepare for 50-60 people. The building can
accommodate 67 and 47 tickets have been sold.
h) If you know anyone who would like to be a member of TDW please let us know.
8. Other Reminders
Thank you, to Helen Brock and Nancy Canaday for providing refreshments for the Baby Shower for the Hope Clinic.
9. Adjournment ─ Meeting adjourned at 4:50 P.M.
10. Guest Speaker ─ Ms. Barbara Clark, Director of the Hope Clinic